Personal Coaching, Mentoring and Wellbeing

‘Putting your consultancy, coaching and mentoring centre stage’

Wellbeing Coaching that Helps You!

  • Wellbeing coaching focuses on helping you to improve your overall wellbeing and quality of life.
  • It involves a collaborative and client-centered approach where a wellbeing coach will work with you to identify your goals, challenges, and areas of improvement.
  • The support is focused on your needs, aims and goals and is delivered by qualified and experienced coaches.
The Problem You May Face
Do you often find yourself struggling with unclear goals, poor communication, and a lack of direction in both your personal and professional life? Are these challenges holding you back, leading to feelings of underperformance and frustration? Is it becoming increasingly difficult to achieve the outcomes you desire and to stay motivated in the face of these obstacles? Do you feel that you need support to navigate these issues and foster growth in all aspects of your life?
A Chance to Make a Difference to Your Life
By engaging in coaching and mentoring, you can make a difference now by unlocking your potential, building stronger relationships, and achieving long-term success. This personalised approach fosters growth, boosts confidence, and enhances your skills, paving the way for meaningful progress and fulfilment.
The Solution We Give You
Coaching can offer tailored guidance, support, and feedback to help address the issues you’re facing. Through structured sessions, coaching provides the clarity needed to set clear goals, enhance communication, and develop effective strategies. This process can lead to improved performance and greater satisfaction in both your personal and professional life
We have the Skills and the Experience to help you – gives us a call
The Backdrop Leadership Group boasts extensive experience and expertise in coaching and mentoring. Their skilled professionals are equipped with the knowledge and tools to help individuals and teams reach their goals, ensuring a supportive and transformative journey.

Interested In Our Coaching or Mentoring Support?

Send us a message!

'It was a very positive day, insightful and enabled me to reflect on my own practice as well as exploring the rationale and strategy behind the practice in place at [the school]. It was a pleasure to work alongside Jon and to learn from him, understanding the craft of reviewing to elicit authentic, transparent and thoughtful information from the staff team at the school.'
'The sessions have been brilliant in helping me approach the day-to-day and more strategic challenges I face as a leader. I'm grateful to Jon - his experience, humour, and ability to challenge me to think through my options resulted in a series of really valuable sessions and I'm already feeling the difference in my working life'
- Coachee - Marketing Manager
'Excellent analytical support from an engaging and incisive consultant. We have already improved the accountability of HR in the workplace as a result, so that we can be sure targeted funding is used to raise student outcomes.'
- Secondary SENCO
"[Backdrop] was excellent – very easy to work with, humorous and insightful – thanks."
- Headteacher, Middle School
"As with any "audit" type process there is anxiety and trepidation. Can I go on line as saying any concerns I had were diminished immediately by the warm, disarming nature of [Backdrop]. I found the whole experience enlightening and informative and certainly backed my mantra of "everyday is a school day". Many thanks"
- Assistant Headteacher, Secondary