Executive Team Coaching

‘Putting your consultancy, coaching and mentoring centre stage’

Unlock the Potential of your Team with an UpAGearExecutive Team Coach!

What is UpAGear Executive Team Coaching?
There are four key aspects to the Team Performance Programme: Foundations of Team, Framework for Action, On Track Monthly and Mentoring is the above but with expert advice and guidance throughout the process of achieving them.

What does UpAGearExecutive Team Coaching Look Like in Practice?

Foundations of Team
Team Coaching with a clear VMV and strategy are crucial for any team’s long-term alignment and direction. The optional two-day “Foundations of Team” workshop helps teams develop their VMV and strategy, using processes like SWOT, PEST analysis, and Jim Collins’ Hedgehog Concept to enhance performance and cohesion.
On Track Monthly
On Track is a monthly team coaching meeting reviewing team performance and development over a year. It assesses progress on goals and softer aspects, fostering open conversations. Additionally, it educates team members to improve communication, build trust, and enhance overall performance, leading to a high-performing team.
Framework for Action (F4A)
Framework for Action, the core of UpAGear’s Team Performance Programme, is a two-day team coaching workshop to enhance team efficiency and alignment. It reviews past performance, sets annual goals, clarifies accountabilities, and establishes effective team dynamics, resulting in a detailed plan with objectives and transformational strategies.
uOnline team Behaviours, KRA/OKR and Goal tracking application
uOnline, UpAGear’s online team coaching methodology, underpins the Team Performance Programme. User-friendly for teams and coaches, it captures the team plan and tracks monthly progress. This tool facilitates open conversations, helping teams assess, understand, challenge, and evolve effectively.

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'Backdrop has helped us to develop our content to support raising standards for our education clients. As well as providing value for money they are extremely knowledgeable and professional. We look forward to working with them more in the future as they continue to work with us in improving educational outcomes.'
- Multi Academy Trust - CEO
Jon...has enabled me to be more strategic...and become confident in my abilities to bring about lasting change ... The sessions were welcoming, relaxed and flexible in 'fitting' with my emotions on the day.'
- Coachee - Leader
'[Backdrop} has provided me with valuable guidance in how to raise the attainment of PP children in our school. [The] advice has been incredibly important in shaping our PP policies and plans, giving us a solid base on which to build on."
- Primary Assistant Headteacher and PP lead
Following our positive Ofsted inspection in 2017 we were keen to continue to drive improvements, especially to have a cohesive system in place to develop our strategic aims and development plans across education, therapy and care provided at St Rose’s for students with physical disabilities and complex health needs. Jon was recommended as someone who might be able to support us, and we were lucky enough to engage his services in 2018. At the beginning he listened to what we wanted and was able to translate our thoughts into a Strategic Plan and corresponding development plans. This has grown over the last 5 years and we now have a clear process that our self-evaluation feeds into as well as performance reviews for all staff. He has helped us to work with education, therapy and care staff to quality assure our offer. As well as this he has helped us to focus our governance and has provided support and training to our governing body. Jon has supported us to keep up to date with changes in legislation and continues to suggest ways that we can make improvements. He continues to challenge us during each visit and there is no doubt that the quality of what we do has improved as a result. This was borne out in a recent care inspection when we received outstanding for leadership and management. We appreciate the approach he takes which is collaborative and non-threatening and supportive, allowing us to develop processes and strategy.
- Principal
'It was a very positive day, insightful and enabled me to reflect on my own practice as well as exploring the rationale and strategy behind the practice in place at [the school]. It was a pleasure to work alongside Jon and to learn from him, understanding the craft of reviewing to elicit authentic, transparent and thoughtful information from the staff team at the school.'